
Winners Theses Wind turbines

2003/10/23 Andonegi Beristain, Garazi - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

In the first thesis competition organized by Basque Research, the winner was the Labour engineer Haritza Camblong Ruiz. The thesis presented aims to improve the control system of variable speed wind turbines.
Bayonés Haritza Camblong has won the thesis competition organized by Basque Research.

A total of 35 people have participated in the thesis contest and with 480 votes have won the work of Haritza Camblong. The second classified, Mª Aranzazu de Zarraga, presented a chemistry thesis to the contest and has obtained 288 votes. The third, Pello Uranga, has obtained 273 votes for an investigation into materials.

According to the winner, "although fixed speed wind turbines were used before, now the most common are variable speed turbines. Therefore, our goal has been to improve the control of these wind turbines." Specifically, this improvement has been sought following 4 criteria to minimize the impact of wind disturbances on power generation.

The thesis also has another characteristic: "has been a thesis with several tutors". In fact, the researcher has worked at the University of Bordeaux, ESTIA, LIPSI and LEPT laboratories and the Polytechnic College of Mondragon Unibertsitatea. It's been a hard job, but the winner has been happy, because he believes "it's worth investigating."

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