
Start of the ‘Passion for Knowledge - Quantum 13’

2013/09/30 Elhuyar Zientzia

From today and for a week, the scientific festival ‘Passion for Knowledge-Quantum 13’ will bring together top-notch scientists. They will offer diverse cultural and informative activities, in order to transmit to the public their passion for science and the importance of scientific advances in society.

Most of the program of the festival is aimed at all audiences. In particular, Conferences will be offered by prestigious international scientists and personalities from different disciplines. In addition to these talks, the members of the online scientific communication platform Naukas will offer the Naukas Quantum sessions, a short 10-minute talk on different scientific topics. For the first time, a play will also be performed: “The interview”. The work will deal with the personal relations, desires and ethical and moral conflicts of two characters linked to science.

On the other hand, the science festival aims to bring high school students to leading scientists, top@DIPC - Conversing with science! Meetings. It will also offer training workshops aimed at young researchers and special workshops Nobel Pitch.

Open conferences aimed at the general public can be followed by streaming on the festival website: www.quantum13.eu. And on that same web you can find the daily chronicle.

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