
What to eat, be… or vice versa

2009/03/01 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

They are eleven in the morning. Maite is removing the wrapper from a cereal bar; Aitor bites with enthusiasm to an apple; Jon drinks an empty coffee without sugar; Edurne eats nothing and eats nothing, prefers to burn a cigar. Why has each of them chosen? What factors influence the choice of one meal or another in each person? Many researchers seek the answer, but it is not easy to find it, since the factors are many and varied, and the puzzle is complete among all. However, they already have several parts of the puzzle.
What to eat, be… or vice versa
01/03/2009 | Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana | Elhuyar Zientzia Komunikazioa
(Photo: From archive)

Many researchers are studying what are the factors that influence a person when choosing food. The answer is very interesting for the food industry, but not just for it. In fact, in developed countries obesity has become a serious problem and health managers want to influence society so that people have healthy eating habits.

Therefore, it is important to know why, with more variety than ever, many of the foods are fed so badly. That is, why they choose foods and not others healthier than them.

It is evident that the most influential factor in eating is hunger. What is chosen to satisfy the appetite depends not only on physiological needs, but also on very diverse factors that influence the choice of food.

For example, the European Food Information Office (EUFIC) collects, respectively, economic, physical, social, psychological, religious or related factors with beliefs and beliefs and knowledge about food.

However, there are biological factors in the first place of the list. Like other living beings, we need energy and nutrients to live, and the amount of energy we consume is regulated by the mechanism of hunger and saturation. It is a very complex and little known mechanism, but it seems that the human being has a natural tendency to choose foods with high energy density.

High-energy foods have a low saturation capacity.
R. R. Ambarsa/Creative Commons/confess and share under the same commercial/non-commercial authorization

Paul Rozin, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, explains that high-energy foods have two characteristics: they are sweet and have a fat texture. And many studies show that people from birth have a fondness for foods that have these characteristics.

In some studies it is explained that it is also natural to discard spicy or sour foods. According to Rozin, this behavior is universal and although it can have a genetic basis, it is related to experience: some toxins are irritating and others are bitter. However, with age, people's hobbies are changing, and even though in childhood all are sweet, then for many other flavors, bitter and spicy, they also become delicious.

Another aspect analyzed in biological factors is the ability to saturate nutrients. The saturation signals that produce proteins, glucides, and fats do not have the same strength. Thus, fats are the ones that have the least power of saturation, the glucides have an intermediate capacity and the proteins are the most saturable.

Therefore, foods with high energy density have a low saturation capacity. This can mean eating more than enough. Along with this, the measure of food pieces also influences saturation, since it has been shown that the tendency to ingestion of large fractions is associated with an excessive consumption.

Money, culture, society

Cultural factors influence the choice of one meal or another.
From file

If it is difficult to know well the biological factors that influence food, the issue is further complicated if one takes into account the existence of other factors. Among them, the economic ones have an undeniable importance.

Numerous studies carried out in developed countries show that the poor sectors of the population consume less fruit and vegetables than recommended. However, having a lot of money is not directly related to a proper diet, although they have many more types of food available and therefore have no problem following a proper diet.

Similarly, the fact of having a lot of food information does not necessarily imply a proper diet. There are numerous sources of information and, sometimes, do not match the indications given about the same food. This causes confusion and, as a consequence, people can make wrong decisions.

In other cases, culture and religion have more weight than information and money. For example, in some parts of the world it is usual to eat dog meat, insects or snake, here not. The way of cooking is also totally cultural, which also influences the choice of food. Finally, religion notably influences both the choice of food and the way it is prepared.

Leaving aside religious reasons, psychologist Paul Rozin analyses and explains the cases of certain foods that clearly demonstrate the influence of culture. One of them is sugar. Sugar has a sweet flavor that makes it attractive. In times of hunter-gatherers, humans found sugar in fruits and honey. Later, he began to plant sweet plants. Thousands of years later, sugar was one of the causes of the colonization of America. And currently, when the calories contained in sugar have become a problem for some, man is able to synthesize artificial sweeteners without calories. The culture has managed to distinguish between sweet flavor and calories.

Another food that clearly expresses the influence of culture is milk. Mammals, in general, only drink milk in childhood. When ripe, they lose the enzyme needed to digest lactose from milk; if taken, they would harm it. The man is a mammal to which the same happens. Or it was. In fact, when it became a rancher, one advantage was that in the adult age this enzyme, which thanks to natural selection has been spreading in the countries in which milk has had importance and in which today adults have no problem to drink. In this case, culture has also influenced biology, since it has made a certain characteristic prevail.

Explaining the influence of psychological factors is not easy.
From file

More pieces of the puzzle

Psychological factors such as stress and mood are very different.

Stress and the choice of one or another food are known to be related, but it is not clear how it influences the other. In fact, stress can cause behaviors that range from eating much more than enough to not eating.

Those who eat more than enough when stressed, often tend to choose high-energy foods. There is an explanation for this. In fact, when stress is chronic, it increases the blood concentration of the cortisol hormone. This hormone prepares the body to face a stressful situation. To do this, it will need energy, so it will promote food with high energy density.

On the other hand, it is shown that food also influences the altar, but in a very personal way. Although eating is a source of pleasure, everyone is not affected by the same food and, along with pleasure, many people are intermingled with other emotions. For example, those who follow a diet of slimming or those who take great care of their appearance are guilty of eating what they do not want.

In relation to the current life, the tendency to eat outside the house has been emphasized.
J. Lander/Creative Commons/confess and share under the same authorization

This behavior is not easy to explain, even some psychologists have seen that when certain foods are forbidden, in some people the appetite for eating them increases. In people with depression it is common to see that they have caprice to eat certain foods, such as chocolate, alcohol, ice cream, chips, burgers... There are women who behave similarly in days before menstruation.

Researchers still have a long way to go to understand why these behaviors are. Other factors such as those related to current life are easier to explain. Among other things, the lack of time to buy and prepare meals, the ignorance of how to cook them, the predominance of large commercial establishments, meals alone and not with family or friends...

The choice of food, therefore, depends on many factors that influence health. But food is one of the most important. That is why so many health managers are in charge, and therefore, among other things, it is convenient that you also care for yourself. Without forgetting that eating is pleasure.

José Ramón Mauleón: "My impression is that the consumer is alone in the food industry"
Sociologist José Ramón Mauleón is professor of the subjects of Sociology of Food and Culture and the Food System in the School of Pharmacy of the UPV, in Food Science and Technology and in Human and Dietary Nutrition. He has been studying the sociological aspects of food for years. He has received us with calm and friendliness and has been with us for a long time. Concern about the subject is detected.
Many factors influence the choice of one or another food: physiological, economic, psychological, religious or belief factors... What are the most affecting Basque society?
Well, what would not the food industry give in exchange for having a response! That is very difficult and I have no answer, of course. There are many factors that influence and the main ones are identified. But it is not that they are many, but that each of them affects in different measure to each person. To the same person, the factors do not affect him equally at one time or another in the life cycle. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to answer the question.
By groups, it is easier to find answers. For example, in elderly people, religion continues to be very heavy and is also noticeable in food: the vigil days do not eat meat. In nursing homes, for example, it is a factor to take into account. Many Muslims residing in Euskal Herria faithfully follow the rules on the food of religion, which not only affects them, but also affects the carnage of the neighborhood where Muslims live. Surely in this butcher shop they will sell less pork sausages and more turkey sausages than in other butchers. In addition, animals must be killed according to a ritual... Therefore, although at present it seems that religion does not influence much in eating, in some groups it influences much.
(Photo: A. A. Galarraga)
So, analyzing factors in groups facilitates research?
Yes, and there are several models to make groups. For me, one of the most useful models depends on the life cycle. In fact, taking into account the life cycle, the population is distributed in the following groups: independent young people, young couples without children, couples with minor children, couples with intermediate older children, single-parent families, adult couples without children, independent adults and retirees.
This is the model used by the Spanish Ministry of Food and I think it is very suitable. In fact, it helps to analyze which foods are consumed, where they are bought, how much is spent, etc., obtaining explanatory results.
In fact, in the last report published by this Ministry, 2007, it is observed that those of the first group, independent young people, give importance to the ease and speed of preparation for the choice of food. In addition, they seek to be healthy, but at the same time they buy several foods with pure pleasure. Couples without children also choose food for similar reasons. However, independent adults give more importance to healthiness than to ease and speed of preparation. Couples with children decide what to eat according to the needs of children and retirees more than those of other groups.
We have not mentioned advertising. How does it influence the choice of food?
(Photo: Ambrosiana pictures/Creative Commons/confess and share under the same permission)
Impressive. Think of a person who lives alone, with a good job... It has no problem to buy what you want. You may choose to eat many times out of home. But if you decide to eat at home, what will you choose? Sure it will be a meal that does not work in its preparation and will also look for it to be nice. Well, through the media it receives a lot of advertising of this type of products. Tell us how much food producers spend on each of the television ads. This quantity has a single objective: to encourage the consumer to buy this product. The ads are fabulous and if the consumer has no reason to reject the advertised product, they will fulfill their goal: the consumer will choose this product.
Advertising also influences children. In the surveys conducted in Spain, the daily average of television consumption exceeds three hours a day. These hours are 365 days a year and in total are more than those spent in school. Because during the time they watch television, they emit ads, some of them are food products or drinks. Then, children want to consume the announced products.
Can the choice of advertising-based foods affect health?
Of course. Not only advertising, but also the food industry. In fact, many of the products they sell are unhealthy or do not provide enough information about their nutritional characteristics, and the consumer does not know whether to eat or not. In addition, compared to fresh and healthy products, many of them are quite cheap and that also helps to choose from and not the rest. And it gives me the feeling that the consumer is alone in the food industry. For example, in a pack of cigarettes it clearly states that smoking is harmful to health. The smoker, therefore, is aware of the danger that runs. This does not happen with food: it puts nothing in the package or the information is not correct and the consumer does not know what consequences it has to eat.
I think the authorities should take steps to help the consumer. It should control the information provided by the industry, regulate the ingredients of food... In addition to setting standards, authorities can carry out a different policy for the population to have a healthy life. I give you an example: In France they are very concerned about the increase in obesity among young people. Well, in a city, adequate roads have been enabled between neighborhoods and schools so that school children can walk to school. And obesity has decreased. Other measures of this type are the extension of the sports practice, the construction of bike lanes, walks, etc. I am a supporter of it.
The strength of advertising
In January they published a study on food advertisements in the European Journal of Public Health. The study analyzed ads on food that appeared in the 30 most read journals. And, in view of the result, they have come to the conclusion that the foods that appear in the ads are far from what health managers recommend, almost at the other end.
The fourth part of the ads were ready-to-eat meals, especially soups and sauces with too much salt and sugar. Another room, that of the sweetest dishes, with too many sugars and calories: chocolate bars, ice cream, sweets and refreshing drinks. According to health managers, this type of food should only be consumed sporadically, while fruit and vegetables should be consumed every day. Well, only 1.8% of the ads were of this type of food.
(Photo: From archive)
A study by the Consumer Foundation a year and a half ago had similar results. In it, the television ads were analyzed and the results were shown in a spectacular way. On one side was placed the food pyramid, which indicates the recommendations for a healthy diet. Next to it, the image was formed in the place that corresponded to the products announced in the pyramid. It was the reverse of the Juxtu pyramid. That is, the ads of the foods that should be consumed the most were the lowest, while those that consume the least were the most abundant.
Given the influence of ads on consumer habits, many experts ask the authorities to take action. In some places they are already doing it, for example in Scandinavia, it is forbidden to broadcast ads of food by television in children's time.
Galarraga de Aiestaran, Ana
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Dietética/Alimentos; Anatomía/Fisiología; Humanidades
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