
Gene that causes differentiation of stem cells

2001/12/11 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

According to the recent work published in the journal Science, a gene that participates in neuronal differentiation causes stem cells to differentiate into intestinal fluid cells.

Researchers from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Baylor School of Medicine have analyzed the functions of the Math 1 gene. Before they saw their importance in neuronal differentiation, so when they knew that they also participated in the intestine, they thought it would be related to their nervous system.

But they were wrong. Unlike what was believed, no manifestations of this gene were found in the intestinal nervous system. However, it has been shown to be related to the intestinal epithelium. The study explained that three types of secretory cells represent the Math 1 gene. Specifically, limestone cells that secrete the mucus needed to move food, enteroendocrine cells that secrete regulatory peptides, and Paneth cells that secrete antimic peptides express the Math 1 gene. On the other hand, enterocytes, that is, the cells involved in the absorption of food, have nothing to do with the Math 1 gene.

To demonstrate this, the researchers worked with genetically modified mice that did not have the Math 1 gene, confirming that these three types of cells were not developed in mutant mice. According to the researchers, the Math 1 gene is essential in the basic differentiation of stem cells. In addition, thanks to other studies, the protein produced by the Math 1 gene regulates the pathway that directs endocrine cell differentiation.

Knowledge of intestinal cell differentiation has a great clinical importance. These cells are essential to absorb food and fight infections. This research allows looking for new ways to cure irritant bowel syndrome and intestinal mobility problems.

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