What is the sweetest cherry?
2002/07/24 Elhuyar Zientzia

About 1,500 years ago, the Romans domesticated wild cherry trees. Since then, cherry trees have spread throughout Europe and numerous varieties have been created. Some of them give sweeter and fleshy cherries than others, but farmers cannot know what variety they have changed until the tree grows and bears its first fruits, and by then it has been three or four years since cherry trees were planted.
Now, however, there is a quick way to know what variety cherry is. In fact, the researcher of the Fruticulture Unit of Zaragoza, Ignacio Hormaza, has developed a genetic method of separation of cherry trees. It is based on the DNA zone of cherry varieties, especially the differences in the DNA area called microsatellite. It is in this area that the greatest differences are recorded.
genetic method allows fruit growers to obtain better cherry, not only for the taste of cherry, but also for its ability to cope with diseases and bad weather. It will also serve to know the origin of the ancient varieties.

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