Zebra stripes, protection against mosquitoes
2014/04/14 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The reason that the zebras are black-white stripes are insects that absorb blood. This is the main conclusion of the work done by a research group at the University of California. Therefore, neither the aesthetic whim, nor the camouflage, nor the system of fighting the heat of the savannah… The strategy to combat the bites of mosquitoes is in the base black and white suit.
Under the direction of biologist Tim Caro, the research team identified the geographical distribution of seven species of zebra, horses and donkeys and their subspecies. They compared geographical distribution with other variables: forest zones, areas of large predators, temperature, geographical distribution of tts and boj, etc. For all this, he identified the depth, location and severity of the wounds by puncture.
All the information obtained by the researchers of the University of California was contrasted with the five hypotheses that science has generated in the last 120 years around the black-white lines of zebra. That is, camouflage, induction of confusion before the aggressions of the dams, system of management of the heat, some code of social organization of the zebras or a strategy to combat the bites of the mosquitoes. Of the five hypotheses, scientists have been left with the latter. “The result surprised me,” says Tim Carom. We could see over and over again that in the world where mosquitoes are most unsustainable, the body lines are more numerous.”
Following the conclusions, other questions are raised: Why has the evolution of the zebras been so and has not been that of other mammals that live in the same habitat? According to scientists, the hair of the zebras is shorter and has less protection than the rest of mammals. And the most logical question, which still has no answer, is as follows: Why do mosquitoes not like skin with streaks?
The work has been published online in the journal Nature Communications.

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