The smell, what sets us apart
2007/01/28 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

But in what are the odors of the body differentiated? Basically, body odors are divided into two large groups: the female and the male. Bear in mind that the smell of a body is itself a mixture, which usually depends on the combination and proportion of thousands of compounds that may contain sweat. Because the smell of women is composed mainly of some compounds and that of men by others.
Distinctive cocktail cocktail party
At the base, four hundred compounds constitute the smell of the individual. This is the conclusion to which they have reached at least a research conducted in Vienna. 197 people have examined the smell and for this purpose took samples of sweat, urine and saliva for ten weeks.

The volatile compounds collected in these samples (which must be volatile, since when evaporated they constitute these odors) were identified. In fact, they saw that the whole of the compounds that compose the smell of each friend is not always the same, but varies depending on the daily activities, for example, of what is eaten. But there are some basic compounds that are not modified: the four hundred basic compounds.
Therefore, they believe that the combination of these four hundred compounds constitutes the characteristic smell of each individual. But that does not mean that the smell of the individual can be used to discriminate. In fact, every day we distinguish people by smell (although we do not notice it), but that does not mean that the smell can be used as the fingerprint.
I like this smell
On the other hand, human smell is not a gift apart, other animals have much better smell and use it more in everyday life. However, in some decisions it is of vital importance. For example, smell also influences the choice of the couple.

Most animals, like the dog, have better smell than men.
The smell of the couple attracts one without realizing it. According to a theory, the smell he likes depends on his immunotype, that is, on the immune system. It is believed that odors of the duo with different immunotype are more attractive to one, so that children who will have with that pair will receive the immune system of both, will have greater protection. This may be one of the explanations of the instinct.
One of the compounds that affect the woman's instinct is androstenol, for example. Androstenola is in the sweat of the man and is attractive to the woman, at least when sweat is new, since over time this compound is oxidized and the smell that was attractive becomes irritant.
Therefore, odors, besides being unknown, are quite complicated. Do not forget that there are people of very diverse tastes. Surely there will not be two people with the same smell, but neither will two lovers of the same smells.
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