
Thriving autumn

2004/10/05 Imaz Amiano, Eneko - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The grass of the pampas is a plant that blooms in autumn. It is
spectacular and used in gardens, but has its drawbacks: it has become an
invasive plant.

Autumn is the time to harvest: mushrooms and mushrooms, nuts, beans, apples, etc. Some are the ones that come naturally and others are the ones we have modified or planted.

The crop or grass of the photo pampas also emit the flower in early autumn, then release many seeds. Of course, it is not to eat, but it gets very striking and very pretty at this time of year, especially in the gardens, with the environment perfectly taken care of. To do this, this plant, originally from the Pampa, has been brought as decoration of gardens.

But in recent years we see it anywhere, especially on the coast. And the negative part is that it has become an invasive plant. That is, the place of the native plants is removed and imposed. Time will tell us if it will become a real problem.

Photo: Eneko Imaz Amiano.

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