
No decay… forever!

2001/09/17 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia

The dream of the dentist many times: forget the fillings forever. Reality: Boston and London prepare caries vaccines. Date: five or six years.

Cavities are the most common infection of the mouth. It appears when bacteria in the mouth destroy the enamel of the teeth and, in addition to causing tooth pain, also hurts in the pocket. It is recommended to clean teeth against cavities and visit the dentist once a year.

One of the causes of caries is the bacterium Streptococcus mutans. Through a viscous substance it manages to adhere to the surface of the teeth and, spilling large amounts of lactic acid, erodes the tooth enamel. The Boston Forsyth Institute prepares a vaccine against Streptococcus mutans bacteria. The vaccine destroys a hormone essential for the synthesis of the viscous substance; it does not kill the bacteria, but prevents it from adhering to the surface of the teeth. In this way it cannot create plaques and with the handrails of the teeth it is easy to extract them.

Good results

They have orally vaccinated adults and found that they have created antibodies against the bacteria Streptococcus mutans. Laboratory mice, in the form of aerosols, have been administered through the nose, which also formed saliva antibodies. However, researchers believe that it is best to get vaccinated as a child, between 18 months and 3 years. If bacteria are destroyed before full colonization of the mouth, the vaccine can provide lifelong protection.

At Guy Hospital in London they work with antibodies that directly attack bacteria. This vaccine does not offer definitive protection, should be taken annually, but because it is a passive vaccine does not produce immune response. Therefore, it is safer.

The clinical sessions have already started with the London vaccine, but the two groups claim that it will take 5 to 7 years before the vaccines are released. Funding sources for clinical sessions are very limited. On the one hand, because companies that manufacture dental products are not used to working with vaccines and on the other, because caries is not an important problem for companies that manufacture medicines.

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