Towards telemedicine
1995/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
It can be analyzed but cannot be played. It will be one of the biggest obstacles of telemedicine. But it is not the only one. If the technological level necessary to carry out the telemedicine, go to the doctor. The doctor would always be in the same place where the patient is.
Telemedicine is based on the beginnings of virtual reality. It allows the doctor to check a distant patient, even if there is no physical contact between them. Theoretically, the doctor will be able to perform a reliable diagnosis of the patient by satellite. All this, of course, is still theory.
The technology that will allow telemedicine is being investigated at the Georgia Institute of Technology. To overcome the physical separation between the patient and the doctor, a telecontact system is being worked that, if the time limits are fulfilled, can be presented this year. The system that will allow remote contact will consist of two large sections of information: the system of sensors necessary for the review of the patient and the one that will transfer the information received to the place where the doctor is located.
Georgia researchers are using ultrasound to capture the sensations of remote touch. For its part, the information system that transmits it is sought through virtual reality. They will create a patient shaped doll where they will locate the receiver that will receive the information issued by the patient. The electrical impulses reached will become motion and the doctor will be able to “see” and analyze the reactions of the patient.
It would offer future solutions if the implementation of new telemedicine systems were achieved. Although they were able to adapt the prototype to the market, the use of the new system would be extremely expensive. For the moment we should continue visiting the doctor.

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