Mobile phones and health
1999/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The British government will promote new research programs on mobile phones to analyze the potential of health problems that can cause users. The Government intends to respond to the concern of citizens. And in recent years mobile phones can cause serious health problems due to the different investigations that have been carried out in this field. The aim of the British National Health Organization is to coordinate existing projects and obtain a definitive response.
According to most studies done so far, the radiation produced by mobile phones is practically harmless to the user. It was initially said that radiation could cause cancer, but this hypothesis has been overturned. According to Alan Preece, a researcher at the University of Bristol, this radiation accelerates to several reactions of the person. By sending microwave signals similar to the mobile phone to the ears of several people and measuring the psychic reactions of people, he observed that people receiving the signal respond more quickly through several questions.
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