
As a result of arthritis otzi

1995/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The health of the 5,000 year-old human mummy found in Tyrol in 1991 was not very good when it was covered by snow. When the mummified body of Otzi has been studied by x-rays it has been observed that it had painful arthritis, broken ribs and hardened arteries.

When the mummified body of Otzi has been studied by x-rays it has been observed that it had painful arthritis, broken ribs and hardened arteries.

On the other hand, it presented skeletal structures not visible in the current human being. Among other things, he avoided 11 pairs instead of 12 conventional ones. In addition, it had the brow bone thicker than normal, the tibia longer and narrower than normal and the hole between the previous ones. These errors are not common in today's human being. However, the simultaneous presence of all in a single copy is surprising.

In addition, it had arthritis in the neck, back and hip, which caused chronic pain. However, the most surprising thing is that your arteries and veins are calcifying. This problem has so far been attributed to the modern diet and the size of food of the time was considered to be healthier than the current one. If the snow had not caught Otzi, he would have killed a heart attack.

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