This time they have left the grapes naked
2007/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

It has also come the turn of the grape, whose genome has been recently presented in the scientific journal Nature. Specifically, a group of French and Italian researchers has decoded the genome from a variety of the Pinot Noir variety, with more than 30,000 genes. It should be noted that the vine is the first sequenced fruit plant and the fourth of all the plants that bloom.
As expected, many genes associated with compounds that give flavor to wine have been identified. According to researchers, the identification of these genes can be very useful for winemakers, as they can test new gene combinations to create different flavors.
But the taste of wine is also influenced by many other factors, so the knowledge of the genome will be much more useful than for that, to create varieties resistant to pests. In addition, the study has provided clues on the evolution of plants.

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