
Nitrates and Cancers

1991/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The liquidity nitrate converts the bodies into nitrites, from which nitrous compounds can form, which are the cause of cancer.

The contamination by nitrates is produced through the water or the food. Nitrate waters are mainly used in orchards.

The ancient cases of metemoglobinemia are practically non-existent today, since the water supply of the villages is carried out through uncontrolled wells, currently controlled by the majority of the peoples.

Food nitrates make the bodies nitrite, from which nitrous compounds that are causing cancer can form.

In the case of humans, numerous epidemiological studies have been conducted in order to find a relationship between the level of nitrates and stomach cancer, although no conclusive results have yet been found.

According to WHO, no relationship has been found between stomach cancer and water with nitrates of up to 10 mg/l, which does not mean there is no relationship.

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