Hunger in the World examination
2001/11/06 Agirre Ruiz de Arkaute, Aitziber - Elhuyar Zientzia
Panos Institute was born to spark a debate on world development and has just published a report on world hunger for all: can hunger fall in half? under the name of
According to the latest data, in the world there are still about 800 million people suffering from chronic hunger. Thus, one in seven inhabitants of the world is in a situation of unavailability of sufficient food, reaching in many cases 34% in Africa.

At the 1996 World Food Summit, a total of 186 countries agreed to halve the number of hungry people by 2015. To this end they set a clear objective: that 20 million people who suffer from hunger have declined every year in the world. But even today, after 5 years, each year only about 8 million are reduced. In this way, we would need many more years to reach the goal set at that summit.
The Panos Institute has published a report discussing the limitations imposed by the environment in these countries, such as land, climate or water scarcity, among other things, on the need to preserve biodiversity. It reflects on genetically modified plants and analyzes different farms.
But the report also looks at other issues. Panos believes that hunger in the world is not a consequence of food shortages and discusses whether free trade can end hunger. According to the report, market liberalization increases poverty and hinders sustainable development, although liberalization supporters announced it would revitalize economic growth. Production by a few is often detrimental to producers in the region, as the population tends to consume only imported food. According to the latest data, food production has grown, but not in hungry countries. The report therefore proposes new ways to end hunger.
Anyone interested can obtain the full report at the address of the Panos Institute.

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