
Spherical motor for robot arms

2001/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A team of engineers has invented a new spherical motor capable of turning in any direction. The idea itself is not new. So far these types of motors have been used to move the arms of robots. But this has many advantages.

In the place where six engines were to be installed before, it is enough to place three of them. In addition, they allow the arm greater freedom of movement in three dimensions. So far, men have a movement similar to that of the human elbow, while these news mimic the movement of the shoulder.

They can also be used for computer games so that the computer itself can control the mouse and other interaction systems. In addition to magnets, electromagnets and other components, the new spherical motor needs the help of a complex computer system.

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