Microwave, increasingly used
1992/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
At the moment, 55% of the families in the UK have a microwave oven. 80% in the US, 30% in France and 20% in the state.
These figures will change dramatically in the coming months, as the microwave market is growing dramatically.

However, the European Economic Association, in a three-page report, has mentioned the risks of microondulatory irradiation, that is, sterility, boelevation, visual defects, cell poisoning, burning, food poisoning, etc.
This report states that these risks are cancelled, as long as a man does not receive a microwave. In fact, commercial appliances are, at least so far, very safe and it can be said that there have been practically no accidents.
There is a factor to keep in mind, that is, that the bacteria in general do not die. However, this error is not exclusive to this type of furnaces, since in the tests carried out it has been confirmed that the same phenomenon occurs in conventional furnaces.
This problem can occur when foods thaw. When food is burned well, the risk practically disappears.

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