
Acoustic microscope

2002/12/09 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

The first meeting of Acoustics of PanAmerica and Iberia presented a technique of analysis of biological tissues. They say it can be very useful in medicine, since, unlike the techniques used so far, it will allow ‘seeing’ living tissues, even intracorpotics.

Optical microscopes require a biopsy for the study of tissues and their dyeing. This technique avoids all this.

The technique is based on ultrasound. Ultrasound is emitted through a probe and the response of tissues to ultrasound is visualized in images. This allows to know the mechanical characteristics of the tissues, allowing to know more data than knowing its optical characteristics. For example, Alzheimer's plaques are better perceived and skin conditions are diagnosed much faster, among other things because biopsy is not necessary.

Researchers recognize that they have not yet reached the desired resolution, have not reached the molecular level. The maximum resolution is 0.1 microns, about one-hundredth of the width of a red blood cell.

However, this technique has interesting applications in cardiology. An ultrasound camera has been enabled to enter the blood circulation, which can check whether the vessels are in danger of becoming clogged. The technique prepared for this application is called IVUS and is already used in several hospitals.

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