
Dark matter may be the origin of bracelets coming to Earth

2017/11/16 Etxebeste Aduriz, Egoitz - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The HAWC Observatory (High-Altitude Water Cherenkov) is located at an altitude of 4,100 metres, next to the Sierra Black Volcano in Puebla, Mexico. Detects high-energy radiation called gamma ray through 30

The excesses of positrons that reach the ground do not come from pulsars, so they may have a more exotic origin, such as dark matter. To this conclusion, some observations have been made at Mexico's HAWC range ray observatory. It has been released in the journal Science.

In recent years they have been measured in several cosmic ray detectors that reach Earth more positrons than expected. And there are studies that have suggested that the origin of these positrons (electron antiparts) may be in the so-called pulsar stars. At the HAWC observatory two pulsar have been examined, supposedly as close as it was due, and it has been calculated to what extent the positrons created in them can extend into space. Well, according to these calculations, it is impossible for these pulsar to reach Earth. Thus, researchers are clear that these excesses of pulses coming to Earth must have another origin and may be dark matter.

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