
Ghosts live in the head

2000/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The neurologist Peter Brugger of the Zurich Hospital University has sought the scientific explanation of ghosts. In his opinion, feeling the presence of someone who is not seen, seeing one's own body from outside, or seeing twice as many of ourselves are not paranormal phenomena, but neuronal errors.

In the case of ghosts, Brugger has used the same hypothesis in which people who have lost some limb have lost their lost leg or arm. But this time, instead of having the feeling in an area of the body, they would have it all over the body. In some cases the imagination is because the brain does not work well. For example, those who see their double have damaged the part of the brain that treats images.

Those who feel someone's presence, on the other hand, have damage to the parietal lobes (parts of the body that we separate from the environment). On the other hand, external vision can occur when certain areas of the brain (probably temporary lobes) have too intense activity. However, all these hypotheses are yet to be confirmed.

Brugger will rely on the techniques used with those who have lost their limbs, including virtual reality, to confirm their hypotheses.

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