
Strong blows and memory loss, the fate of the evil boxer

2001/06/24 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Although it is not yet born who likes to receive devalu blows, in sports such as boxing is the law of the game, climbing the ring to get the maximum points or the previous K.O. you have to go to the stop. After several strokes, the sick loser, in addition to losing momentary memory, increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease during old age.

Boxing would not be boxing, in ring one of the two boxers K.O. if they were not beaten or beaten nonstop. Similarly, ice hockey would not be as attractive if there were no fighting between players. But what happens in the player's mind, when the audience starts jumping with joy or anger? Surely there is nothing good and the truth is that those who investigate do not have too much work to convince that hitting the head is harmful.

Risks of sports

It is advisable to wear a helmet to protect against shocks.

According to the 1999 study by neuropsychologist Maryse Lassonde among boxers and hockey players, when a serious blow to the head, the brain moves inside the brain box and opposes the bone structure. Of course, the appreciated organ suffers injuries at the site of the stroke, although these blows usually leave few symptoms. In the most serious cases, however, it produces loss of consciousness, visual and verbal memory, amnesia, headaches, nausea, vertigo...

This year the results of two new studies have been published that highlight the seriousness of these blows: one with boxers at the University of Pennsylvania and one with World War II soldiers at the University of Duque. Both agree that getting severe blows in the head means developing an Alzheimer's disease that makes you lose your memory from day to day.

According to the first study, blows cause molecular changes in boxers' heads and, consequently, it is estimated that the appearance of blows in the head increases the risk of Alzheimer's in old age. One of the classic characteristics of Alzheimer's is the fiber mixture formed by proteins called tau, and researchers have found that in people with Pugillistic Dementia or Boxer Syndrome a similar mess occurs. However, in the case of Alzheimer's and boxer syndrome, confusion does not occur in the same way. But researchers believe they will discover the same roots by researching parities.

What happens in the boxer's head when the public is jumping with joy?

The second research, published in the journal Neurology, has been carried out analyzing the health stories of soldiers who lived during World War II. In this way, doubts and errors that may arise in family interviews have been avoided. The researchers have pointed out that it cannot be demonstrated that there is a cause-effect relationship between blows and Alzheimer's, but that there is a relationship. In addition, as it is an investigation carried out with young soldiers, the results obtained are comparable to those of the blows suffered by young athletes.

Research determines that the probability of disease development depends on the intensity of the stroke. For example, if you remain unconscious for 30 minutes without skull fractures, by blow, you can say that the injury is weak. If this period lasts up to 30 minutes and 24 hours, the injury is half and the risk of Alzheimer's is doubled. If there are more than 24 hours of unconsciousness, the injury is severe and the risk of developing the disease increases 4 times.

Helmet on the head... walks the world

In addition to boxing, the risk of head bumps is also high in football, hockey, cycling, rugby, etc.

Boxing is not the best sporting example of how to avoid blows, but it is about promoting prevention in rugby, football, hockey and other sports where you can hit. Blows, especially when unforeseen, in addition to the risk of developing Alzheimer's, produce other injuries. For example, an unexpected blow to the eye can cause excessive pressure on the eyeball and trigger a release of the retina. Therefore, it is recommended to use helmet to protect the brain, eyes and the whole face. It will always be impossible, but at least it is intended to encourage the use of the helmet in training. Moreover, GG. it is recommended not to boxing for a long period after the stop.

The advice is to use the helmet in sports with risk of bumps on the head so that the sport is healthy. Here also the best is prevention.

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