
Sports brands near the border

2006/02/12 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

In view of the sporting brands of recent years, man seems to be reaching the limit. That is, fewer and fewer records are made. Thus, according to some experts, athletes, and especially athletes, are reaching the limit of the best brands.
Today there are more professional racers than ever before, many approach the world record, but the record is something else.

Surely it cannot be said, because it would be to predict the future, but, seen what we have done so far, men and women are reaching their physical limit in sports. It is a very hard time: it is very difficult to make a record, you have to work a lot, train hard.

A group of British experts have analysed records of athletics in recent decades. And it is that the history of athletics is above all the XX. It is a history of the twentieth century. We have a record of records that have been produced throughout the century in athletics.

Thus, they have taken into account all world records since 1910, in a race of 800 meters, marathon and in all medium-sized races.

Evolution of the races

Initially they were not professional athletes. Then, however, and the records so prove, when the trainings began to be quite serious, a great advance was made. Professional athletes began to grow. In addition, at that time they already had judges to perform the measurements, they had quite adequate equipment (especially chronometers of racing times), etc.

According to statistics, experts believe that the record limit is close to the race track.

Thus, after World War II, life also improved and many records were made. And as for the materials, there was also a remarkable breakthrough — the war research itself also had influence on sports materials.

However, for twenty years sports brands have not improved often — according to experts, brands have made a S-shaped curve and are now reaching the end of the curve. There are more professional athletes than ever before, the materials are constantly improving, the training techniques are very careful, the training is sought and the diet is more suitable for each sport, the athlete is psychologically prepared… and however it seems that the human body is reaching the border and the advances in the environment are not enough to shake the sports brands.

Before, a small improvement in the material, for example, represented a record. Now no. Now you have to improve a lot on all factors (materials, training...) to make a record.

Women and men matched

It seems that the slowdown of records is not gender: both female and male brands improve more slowly. However, as an example, the 1,500 meter women's race has been set, which in the last 20 years has only been record once. For this reason, it is said that women may be closer to the border.

In athletics, as in the rest of sports, several records have been produced thanks to improvements in the materials.

According to the report, men will reach the limit between 2020 and 2060, having improved current brands by 1% or 3%, that is, runners will be somewhat faster in the coming years, but there will be no big surprises.

The future cannot be predicted, but it seems that the improvement will be brought by the materials: tartan stadium, special footwear... Materials and analysis of training with new technologies. But it is clear that from now on the improvements will be simple and we will soon meet with the border.

Published in 7K.