Maren Martinez de Rituerto Zeberio Kirol-hezkuntzan ikertzailea

"The sports recipe is good for everyone"

2024/10/04 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria


Maren Martinez de Rituerto Zeberio undertook the Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sport -JFKZ- but works in the field of health. He has not, therefore, chosen the usual path of those who do that degree. "It's true that we're now beginning to enter the world of health, because we've always been gymnastics teachers, and when I started the degree, I thought I was going to do it. Later, when I graduated, I found out that there were other areas, like management. But I'm in a hospital and, in total, in Euskal Herria, we're going to be two or three," he explained.

He says that in other places, like the United States, physical activity professionals are integrated into the health system. Here, however, not yet, although they are already starting to take into account, as is happening with psychologists, nutritionists and physiotherapists. "There's an administrative boundary there. We are coaches and until recently only doctors, nurses, etc. have been considered health personnel."

Before I started studying the degree, I was already clear that I wanted to work with people. My father also studied JFKZ and my mother is a doctor, "so I have always been aware of these two aspects and I have been able to appreciate the close relationship between health and movement. I found out there was research in Oncology and I started practicing.

He recognized that at first he didn't think he was going to like him so much, because he gave him a little bit of reluctance about the stigma or taboo that cancer has in society. Then, however, he sees that it is a very nice job: "It has hard games, because it is a very hard disease, but it fills me with a lot," he added.

According to Martínez de Rituerto, physical activity benefits all patients, not only at the physical level, but also at the psychological and social level: "Although some do not perceive much improvement in strength, all patients tell us that it does them well. Breast and prostate cancer are the most studied, and in them the benefits are better known, but research is needed to know objectively what type of exercises to do, with what canoeing, how long... Like with drugs.

Therefore, the parameters that improve (muscle, blood...) are being quantified. "The psychological aspect is fundamental and often goes ahead of the physicist. When they receive such news, their lives remain, not only for them, but also for those around them. Therefore, it is very important for them to feel part of a group, share fears and experiences... Some go from not leaving home and losing the social environment to a gym and to making friends. And that helps you see everything differently.

Overcoming stigma

In this regard, he stressed the importance of the work of psychologists and psychologists. "I think interdisciplinary work is fundamental." Among all, together with the improvement of the patient's well-being, they contribute to overcome the stigma: "I remember one teacher taught us two images of older people: one with crutch, folded ... and the other on an athletic track. And he asked us what is normal and habitual. And it's true that when we imagine a patient with cancer, we're headed by a very weak person, and we're seeing patients sitting there with a 100-kg overload."

I would like to continue to work, but unfortunately, the investigations have deadlines. Therefore, you do not know how long you are going to spend on it: "In this case, it is a three-year project and, once completed, we will try to get funding to continue with the project. But it's hard. In addition, I would like to do it outside the research, not just for certain patients. It is true that research is necessary, because we still have a lot to know, but my wish is that we recognize ourselves as health workers and that we are in the hospital to be able to offer this sports prescription."

In fact, the sports recipe is good for all people and, as Martínez de Rituerto has pointed out, in some health centers they have already started offering these recipes: "I believe they are fundamental for people to move into an increasingly sedentary society," added Lehendakari. Once the project is completed, I would like to continue in the world of health. It is also convinced that there will be more and more work in this field in the future and, if anyone doubts that it comes in, he would like to encourage it, because it seems to him to be a very nice and necessary job.

Maren Martinez de Rituerto Zeberio
Maren Martínez de Rituerto Zeberio was born in Tolosa in 1998. He studied the degree of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at the UPV/EHU. Later, he specialized in health and cancer and had the opportunity to practice at the Oncological Institute of Donostia-San Sebastián with cancer patients. Since then, she has continued research on a project to improve the well-being of patients receiving cancer treatment through physical activity.

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