Marine Treasure
1995/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Anyone knows that eating fish is good for health. Fish is very rich in fatty acids and is often said to help prevent cardiovascular disease. However, the issue is to the extent that eating fish five or six times a week does not favor much. The study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School between 1986 and 1992 has stated that eating fish twice a week is enough to benefit from the benefits of fatty acids. From this amount, however, only fatty acids will be accumulated.
Finnish researchers have also started studying fish. Fish is the main component of the Finnish diet, but it has been observed that cardiovascular diseases occur at any time. Does Finnish fish lack fatty acids?
According to researchers at the University of Kuopio, fish commonly consumed in Finland contains large amounts of mercury that invalidates the benefits of fatty acids. Being polluting, mercury increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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