European parents analyze their attitude towards vaccines
2020/04/23 Agirre Ruiz de Arkaute, Aitziber - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A survey conducted in five European states analyzes the attitude of parents towards vaccines. The results show that Spanish parents have the most confidence in vaccines (94%), French parents have the least confidence (73%) and among them are Germany (88%), Italy (87%) and the United Kingdom (86%). However, researchers found it significant that, although in Germany and the UK in general they have demonstrated intermediate confidence in vaccines, parents who show a trend for all vaccinations have more strength than anywhere else (3%).
When asked about compulsory vaccination, 90% of parents have defended the coercion of some basic vaccines, as in all states. But there has been a big difference between voices against mandatory vaccination: In Germany 7.8% of parents were opposed, in the UK 7.4%, in France 4%, in Italy 1% and in Spain only 0.8%.
Surveys have been conducted among parents of children aged 0 to 3 and the results will be analyzed at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. According to the authors, these anti-vaccine attitudes can explain the increase in diseases in Europe, and in particular measles. According to the researchers, vaccination has not achieved sufficient coverage in society.

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