
Clonic flies

2004/11/04 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

These are not clonic, if you look well you appreciate that they are different. In fact, the highest belong to the University of Washington and the clones are Canadian.

For the first time they have cloned the flies and now there are many who ask why? The response of researchers who have managed to clone is that it will help to understand the problems that exist in other animals. In fact, experimenting with flies is much cheaper and easier than investigating with other animals, and they believe that if they overcome the cloning problems of flies, it will also be a positive step for other animals.

The biggest problem is reprogramming the old DNA of the donor cell. Researchers want to know which genes are important in reprogramming and that is easy to investigate in flies. The objective is its subsequent application in mammals.

However, other researchers do not think that what serves in flies is also in mammals.

Photo: University of Washington

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