
Protection against radiations in Bilbao

2002/05/31 Lasa Iglesias, Aitziber - STEAM Hezkuntza arloko arduraduna

This week the 9th Congress of the Spanish Association for Radiation Protection (SEPR) was held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao.

In fact, in December 2001, the new Regulation of Sanitary Protection against Ionizing Radiations was promulgated, on which experts have acted in protection against radiation on 29, 30 and 31 May.

With the new regulation, the dose limitation has been extended, more realistic metabolic models have been developed for the calculation of internal doses and natural radioactivity has begun to be more important.

Among the topics discussed in the three round tables held in the congress are the problems arising in the implementation of the new regulations, the training of staff, and the criteria for classification and treatment of radioactive sources. Geoffrey A.M., President of the IRPA ( International Radiation Protection Association ). Webb yesterday conducted a critical review of the new regulations. In the words of the latter, in the new regulation, without forgetting the limit of the collective dose, we must differentiate more the individual doses. When speaking of the general public, he recommended not so much simplification but differentiation. On the other hand, he noted that environmental protection should also be integrated into the regulations.

Among those attending the Congress are organizations that work in the field of protection against radiation, hospital professionals, radioactive waste management companies and members of nuclear power stations.

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