They create a cement that lowers the temperature of buildings.
2024/10/21 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Researchers from the Public University of Navarra have created a cement that reduces the temperature of the buildings since April. A new technology has been developed that improves the reflective properties of cement, controlling porosity and adding microparticles and nanoparticles of sustainable materials. This cement reflects more solar radiation and, at the same time, emits heat outward, keeping surfaces cooler.
In addition to laboratory tests, researchers have conducted climate studies to assess the potential of this technology in different regions of the world. Some of the first tests that have been carried out have also been carried out, in which the results are encouraging. Thus, according to researchers, this work opens the door to a new generation of sustainable building materials that, in addition to improving energy efficiency, can contribute to mitigating climate change.
The work has also been awarded the Nanophotonics Research Award for Innovative Sustainability.

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