
Without females, to loss, because of climate change

2008/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Without females, to loss, because of climate change
01/10/2008 | Elhuyar
A male tautara.
Samsara/All rights reserved

Researchers at the University of Western Australia analyze the future of tautar and foresee its possible loss by 2085. The reason is that in the coming years the female will make too much heat to be born.

Tautara is a very primitive reptile that lives fortified in 30 small islands of New Zealand, where it has predators. As in many other reptiles, depending on the temperature, males or females are born. In the case of the tauta, starting from 21,5 °C, all males are born.

The researchers have created a very complex computer model to study how it will affect the increase in temperature in each nest and, according to the result, the species that has overcome several glaciations and calors can be lost in this century. However, a same model can also serve to find a solution, as it can serve to identify the most suitable places for the birth of individuals of both sexes.

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Biology; Zoology; Environment; Climatology
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