
New evolutive detected in a hostel before infection

2018/08/30 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The goal of the PREDICT project is to detect viruses at risk of spill, before being infected by man. Jaber Belkhiria/UC Davis

For the first time in a hostel, a new virus that produces Ebola has been identified before the man becomes infected or sick. The virus has been called to Bombal and identified in bats of Sierra Leone. Its discovery has been made within the PREDICT project and has been published in the journal Nature Microbiology the sequence of its genome.

This is the goal of the project: to detect viruses at risk of spill before being infected by humans. To this end, more than 6,000 animals have been analyzed in Sierra Leone. The Bombali virus has been identified in five individuals from two different bat species. These bats had no signs of infection, but they can transmit a virus through saliva and feces.

Before finding the Bombali virus, five species of bste evolutavirus have been identified. Scientists don't know for sure what their guests are, but they think they are bats. Bombali's discovery reinforces this suspicion.

Researchers warn about the death of bats, as the death of bats increases the risk of transmission of the virus.