The fight against Ebola does not end with the vaccine
2015/01/20 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

If there are no errors, the Ebola vaccine will be marketed this year or next year. Thanks to this, experts expect to control the disease. Researchers at Johns Hopkins Hospital have recalled in The Lancet magazine that the vaccine is just the first step. In fact, they consider that a series of obstacles will have to be overcome to reach a threatened population, from the decision of who should be vaccinated to the economic part.
In fact, researchers believe that it is not easy to choose who should be inserted first, or who should make that decision. To do this, they consider that the transmission of Ebola must be better known.
In addition, they warn of the need to take into account how to carry out vaccination campaigns, even more taking into account the weakness of health systems in countries with Ebola. Some key aspects have been mentioned, among which are the availability of means to maintain and give the vaccine in good condition and the training of specialists.
The researchers have also expressed concern about the safety of the vaccine. They consider that, since the rapid development of the vaccine in a crisis situation is a priority, there can be a risk of easing the safety criteria. Researchers consider it very important to ensure that it is safe and to transmit security to the population to accept the vaccine.
The researchers have left the economic aspect for the end of the article. They warn that the steps to be taken to overcome the aforementioned difficulties will increase the vaccine and propose to create new funding pathways.
Finally, it has been announced that, if the integration of Ebola is successful, it can be an example for future health crises.

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