Several genes related to depression have been identified for the first time in populations around the world
2025/01/20 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

From the point of view of genetic diversity, the most extensive meta-analysis of all time has been carried out to identify genes related to the risk of depression. As a result, about 700 previously unknown varieties have been found and about 300 genes have been found. In fact, most of the studies conducted to clarify the genetics of depression have been carried out in populations of European origin. There is therefore a risk of health discrimination in other ethnic groups, for example, for which some therapies developed so far on the basis of genetics might not be relevant.
The results have been published openly in the journal Cell de Madrid, in a statement. In his opinion, each genetic variant has a small influence separately, but if a person has several variants, the effect may be significant.
Genetic variants that have been identified are associated with neurons in multiple brain fields, including those related to emotional control. In addition, new treaties have been proposed. For example, two existing medicines, pregabalin (against chronic pain) and modafinila (antinarcolepsy), have been suggested to be given to treat depression.
Finally, regarding genetic variability and its incidence, they have influenced the need for further research in population groups of non-European origin.

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