COVID-19 terminology: #Latest changes in our dictionaries
2020/04/21 Elhuyar Zientzia
Elhuyar continuously updates its dictionaries and communicates it through social networks, with the hashtag #Azken Aldaketak. Lately we have been updating the vocabulary associated with the situation caused by COVID-19 disease.

In order to have access to this terminology, we would like to offer the possibility to consult all of them jointly, collecting the batch extensions on social networks.
In early February, four entries were updated in the Elhuyar Encyclopedic Dictionary of Science and Technology:
- coronavirus
- severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS):
- packaging virus
Immediately after his international appointment we proposed a consideration in Basque for the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2:2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease or COVID-19.
Since then, week by week, we have continued updating dictionaries and added several terms to our particular covid-19 dictionary. We continue to work so the list will be extended and at the top the latest updates will appear. We have mainly updated dictionary entries in Basque and Spanish, but some of them already have consideration in French and English. Click on each word and you will directly access the web of Elhuyar dictionaries.
Updated at 21-4-20
- viral load
- asymptomatic,
- quick test
- •
- immune response
Updated 07/04/20
- social distancing
- antivirus
- emergency
- curve
- •
Updated at 01/04/20
- health personnel
- respirator
- emergency status
- intensive care units
Updated 24/03/20
- insulation
- hydroalcoholic gel
- cacerollo
- dystopia
- telejob
Updated to 17-3-20
- coronavirus
- mask
- alarm status
- confinement
- pandemic

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia