
Am I bald and what? Seeking remedies

2002/01/27 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Although many do not recognize it, they are willing to do their best not to lose hair: there is nothing but to see a wide range of products to prevent hair loss or a lot of money moving in this market. However, for the disgust of Burusoil, although thousands of investigations are conducted in search of an effective treatment, a remedy that ensures total success has not yet been achieved.
Baldness is received from your mother.

Apparently, being bald only affects the external image, but the truth is different. Many studies show that both men and women see older than burusoils and do not seem as attractive and reliable as the elderly. Hence burusoils have less self-confidence, which affects their work and relationships.

Why is your hair lost?

In addition to growing each hair separately, stretching is variable throughout hair life. The hair of a non-burusoil person has an average of 18 months of growth, which is about 0.4 mm per day. Subsequently, hair producing cells die and follicle activity is interrupted for about 6 months. After this time a new cycle begins, the hair falls and instead the new one is born.

Its origins are very varied, so it is almost natural to find a suitable remedy for all.

The new hairs of the wearer become increasingly thin and colored until they are almost invisible. However, burusoil has as many follicles as long butterflies. According to several researchers, each of the follicles is programmed for a certain number of cycles, and once exhausted, the follicle only produces dwarf hairs. It seems that the growth phase of the hairs of the dungeons lasts only 6 months, so the cycles are exhausted before.

However, the question remains: what summarizes the duration of the cycle? 2,400 years ago, Hippocrates realized that the Basques or stained men had no hair. Therefore, he thought that it was related to virility and apparently he was not entirely wrong. Hair loss occurs when dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is abundant in the follicles.

Eunuchs, while castrating, reduce the production of this hormone, so they have less chance of burusoilating. However, Hippocrates considered that it was not entirely true, since the levels of DHT in the blood of burusols are similar to those of others; that is, the problem is local excess, not the increase of male hormones.

Other recent studies offer even deeper explanations. The team of researchers at the University of Melbourne has attributed the responsibility of expurgo to a defective protein that introduces the DHT signal into the cell nucleus. In addition, researchers claim that the gene encoding this protein is on the X chromosome. This confirms that the feature that the helmet is very clean is collected from his mother. However, with blaming the mother nothing is solved, and since scientists have not yet reached the bottom of the problem, a definitive solution cannot be achieved.

The stretching process is variable throughout the hair life.

On the other hand, the above referred to the common simplicity of men, but there are other types of simplicity. For example, the scar after a wound or surgery causes a permanent loss of your follicles. Diseases such as skin infections by fungi or bacteria, tuberculosis or skin cancers can cause scars with hair loss. The condition called trikothilomania is directly related to baldness, since the main symptom is that the patient takes his hairs from the root. In this case, once cured, the hair recovers. The same goes for toxic and hormonal calvicissitudes; for example, after childbirth hair falls temporarily.

Lost in the maze of cures

Where there are scars does not grow hair.

The origins are very varied, so it is almost impossible to find a suitable remedy for all. However, the essays have been constant throughout history. The first known medical text is a pre-Christian Egyptian papyrus in which appears a remedy that mixed iron, lead, onion, honey and alabaster to prevent hair loss. A thousand years later, Hippocrates recommended a pigeon scramble among its ingredients

She explained the rules of medical ethics!

Although centuries have passed since then, the situation has not improved too much: until recently there were many remedies to rub and deny that caused more damage than benefits.

Medicines authorized by the health inspection are currently marketed. The latter are Propecia pill and Rogaine rejected, but they do not ensure absolute success. Therefore, other pathways have been introduced such as laser therapies and transplants that have not yielded satisfactory results. The truth is that since the time when the scalp acquired the shape of a doll head introducing the hairs into groups, much progress has been made in transplants, but it is a hard and expensive solution. Will gene therapy be the last word? To know it you have to wait a little time. In the meantime, let no more hair fall!

Published in 7k.

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