
Do you work in the office?

1997/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The working conditions of the offices are not always the most appropriate. And how are your bras?

Headache, allergies, sleep, dry throat, skin problems... The working conditions of the offices are not always the most appropriate. If you have any of the health problems listed, check your office conditions. He has long talked about the syndrome of sick buildings.

Recently, the conditions related to the syndrome in question have been analyzed in detail. The temperature is suitable for about 20 ° and the humidity should be about 50%. Sit half a meter away from the computer screen and check that nothing is reflected on the screen. In the office should always be clean air but at low speed.

Are all the conditions met in your office and still have unbearable headaches? Call a seer, but not any seer. You should call a researcher to study the phenomena of magnetic fields. Your office may be located in a high-intensity magnetic field, which hurts your health. Some researchers or anyone believes it.

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