
Operation bikini, one more year

2011/05/28 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

As part of the nature cycle, coinciding with the strengthening of the sun, bikini operation and slimming diets become the central theme. Despite the few changes that occur year after year, sometimes highlights some aspect, and this year the issue has corresponded to Dukane.

In fact, the diet of Dukane does not differ much from those that have starred in other years. Like them, it provides scientific arguments, but in reference scientific publications there are no studies showing the efficacy and safety of the diet. In addition, it sends quick, wonderful results, prefers some foods and prohibits others, sets strict rules, there are famous people among followers...

This year the Dukane diet has become fashionable, but it does not differ much from those we have known in previous years.

That is, at the base is like the rest of diets. Perhaps the main trait is the creator. In fact, the diet was created in the 70s by Dr. Dukan, through the chip, by the headstock of a patient.

Apparently, at that time he was a neurologist in Paris, and one of his patients had asthma and severe obesity. Apparently, he tried many methods to lose weight, all in vain. Once again he promised to try it on the condition of eating meat. So Dukane allowed him to eat as much meat as he wanted, but he could not eat anything else. The anecdote has a happy ending: the patient lost five kilos in five days.

They say that the duca diet was born, that Dukane abandoned neurology, learned nutrition and began to spread his method. The protein-based method consists of four phases, the fourth extending throughout life. In France it has been very successful: among the five best-selling books are three written by Dukane, which have sold 3.5 billion copies in France.

Concern of health officials

However, French health officials have not joined Dukane's followers. Moreover, at the end of last year, the organization ANSES, the official body responsible for food, environmental and labor safety, published a report on the risks of slimming methods, which in early spring opened a press release recalling the conclusions of the report. The sentence is clear: Diet duca, like many other known diets, is dangerous to health.

Among these diets are that of Dr. Atkins, the Californian diet of Dr. Guttersen, that of Dr. Cohen, that of the Mayo Clinic, that of Montignac, that of Dr. Ornish, the diet of Weight Watchers, the diet of chrononutrition of Dr. Delabos, the diet of optional soup, the lemon and also diet. Although there are differences between them, in general all can produce physiological, metabolic and psychological alterations. On the other hand, they are especially dangerous for certain population groups, such as young people, pregnant women, the elderly, children and the sick.

In other countries the response has been similar. For example, in Spain, the Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists published a note last month to denounce the duca diet. According to them, the diet is "ineffective, fraudulent and potentially dangerous." In particular, excessive protein intake increases the risk of developing chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, kidney failure and stones, cancer, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Finally, a curiosity: In 2003, Dr. Dukan published a book entitled Men Prefer Resounding, in which he wrote the following sentence: "Your hips, your thighs, the breaks of your face and your knees are natural sexual emitters, established in you at the beginning of humanity."

Published in Annex GAUR8 of Gara.

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