Falcon, airport chorizo
2008/10/01 Urruzola Arrate, Manex - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

To deal with this problem, most of the state's airports have a sailboat between their facilities. The goal of Black people is to keep bird populations out of the airport environment. Hawks are birds of prey, and just have them at the airport to limit the movements of birds, which move away from the area.
The work of the falcon service is preventive, that is, it also works in case of absence of birds at the airport. By means of flights, hawks delimit their territory and show their prey.
Effectiveness of black people
They have tested other technology-based systems – acoustic, pyrotechnic and luminous – but all of them with worse results than falcons. In fact, airports are very attractive to birds: they can find tranquility, free space that can be taken care of away and food; and these attractions are stronger than the alarms and discomfort that can cause technological solutions in birds. Over time, birds become accustomed to these technological solutions and systems lose effectiveness, especially if used in excess. But birds can't get used to their predators. Nature is a matter of survival and hawks always keep their hunting field dominated.
Flights on candles are controlled throughout the day with a preset schedule, in order to create a permanent alert status in birds. Notices that can be received from the control tower or from the airport's operations centre are also immediately addressed. The silhouette of the falcon visible in the airport sky is the most effective scarecrow you can imagine. However, hawks do not act on the tracks, but in the vicinity, and the control towers only enter the security zones once authorized. And hardly a bird is caught, especially fear is generated.
Importance of the falcon

The falcons of airports are of prisoner origin and all have a badge of identification. Since its birth, a process of education has been carried out so that the natural virtues of Black people can be used for the purposes of airport work. First, the falcon has to get used to being with the falcon: more than rivals or competitors, the falcon must be considered protector and friend. To achieve this, the falconer regulates food, regulates physical exercise and provides comfort to the falcon during rest.
To a large extent, due to its natural instinct, the relationship with the falconer generates friendship, which constitutes a guarantee of safety and feeding for the falcon. In the countryside, following the steps of the falcon on the ground, the falcon flies freely. This is the way to understand the traditional collaboration of falconry: the falconero usually raises the hunt when it goes on foot and the falcon, taking advantage of the advantage that the height contributes, practices from the air a beneficial hunt for both. The need to eat pushes him to fly, but rarely finds his prey flying, but yes in the hands of the educator. And it is that the goal is not for the falcon to hunt birds, but to separate them.
Food and hunting
When the falcon hunt it is important to let the falconero approach. And it is that the sailboat will not leave the falcon on an empty stomach, but has to regulate the food. And the food offered by the falconero is often better than that of hunting. In fact, the falconero usually carries escape hunting pieces or hooks that it releases in the field so that the falcon "cace" in all the exits, without losing its ability to attack and hunter. It would become a cage bird used to pick up free food.
As they leave their field and get to work, the hawks are covered with a hat. To do this, we must get used to carrying the falcon put into the educational process. This custom avoids many risks, since, without caps, optical stimuli would put the hawks very nervous and then they would not fly as they should, since the vision of the blacks is extremely sensitive.
Every day, before flying, they control the weight of the falcons to ensure that they are in full form of flying; depending on the type and sex, the hawks weigh between five hundred grams and one kilo and three hundred grams. However, not all hawks are equal and not all serve for the same.

Types of falcon
In the first place, bird populations are analyzed in airports and the most effective types of falcon and hunting techniques are selected, depending on the potentially problematic species. In the coastal airports, for example, the seagulls are surrounded when bad time to rest. For this case, the ideal is the northern falcon, which with its strength chases the gulls. The falcon Harris, on the other hand, is very skilled in hunting rabbits, hares and small terrestrial animals, as well as in mobilizing the salts of birds at rest, especially in short and short persecutions. There are also hybrid hawks that combine virtues of different species.
The falcon service begins when the fresh morning air pushes the birds to fly and ends in the evening when the risk of birds decreases. In fact, with the sunset the birds rest and in the zone of the airport is guaranteed safety to the air traffic.

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