Basque scientific production has increased 76% in the last five years
2011/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ikerbasque publishes its first report on the situation of scientific research in the ACBC
Ikerbasque, Basque Science Foundation, presented the results of the first report on the evolution and current situation of scientific and research activity in the Basque Country. Examining the period between 2002 and 2009, it is reported that from now on the report will be renewed annually.
The study shows, for example, that scientific production in the ACBC has increased 76% between 2003 and 2008. Spanish production has grown by 49% and the world production by 34%. At the state level, however, the CAPV is the seventh autonomous community in terms of its research activity and the fifth in terms of its invention activity, preceded by Navarre, Aragon, Madrid and La Rioja, followed by Catalonia.
The report, for its part, indicates that the greatest research activity of the CAPV is carried out in the classical sciences. However, they have been able to verify that in recent years the basic sciences have extended to new disciplines, such as biomedicine and information technologies, and that interest in the human and social sciences has increased. Physics and mathematics have also been transformed and have become instrumental specialties related to engineering, such as material science, computing, electricity, electronics, or chemical engineering.
For the preparation of the report, several indicators have been analyzed, such as the number of researchers in relation to the university and the occupied population, the scientific production, the visibility of research in international publications, the number of patents registered, the creation of technology-based companies and the number of scholarships and research contracts created.

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