
Fast wrinkles

2000/02/22 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

XX. Albert Einstein is the most prestigious scientist of the century. Neurologists seek the origin of their genius in the brain. To do this, they have performed an analysis of the structure and found surprising results.

He was killed in 1955 by artery aneurysm Albert Einstein Aorta at age 76. At that time he didn't have his head lost either. The autopsy requested by his family was performed by pathologist Thomas Harvey. The brain was removed, weighed and stored in the formalin solution. Subsequently numerous measurements were made through the compass and pictures were taken from all points of view, both of the whole brain and of each hemisphere. Finally it was cut into 240 fragments and other cuts were started to complete the study. This study was promoted by Einstein himself. Four years earlier, encephalograms were used for research. Other physicists participated in this project.

No morphological analysis of the scientist's brain was published from the days following death. Research of this type has now been conducted and the first results have been published. This investigation has taken as a comparison the group called “set of witnesses”.

Previous teacher comparison

The group consists of many healthy brains psychologically and medically. Einstein was 76 when he died. Therefore, a group of brains older than 65 years were used to understand the changes in old age. The morphological comparison also used female brains.

In most measurements, Eistein's brain has no significant differences. The weight of the brain is within the weight ranges of the most local groups. Its length, width and height dimensions are the usual. However, in the parietal lobes there is a strange difference. The section called Silvio Slot reaches a main line and in the common man does not. As can be seen in the photos that made him after his death, this feature appears on both sides of Einstein's brain. Normal brains have another structure that develops before birth. This means that Einstein's fetus had a malfomation and did not develop that part like the rest. The next question is whether that is the origin or not of genius. The search for the answer also requires a bit of genius, perhaps Einstein himself is able to respond. Let's go a little late.

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