Maternity without limit
1998/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A group of German biologists discover that the babuinose deceive the males. The females with young offspring attract the baboons performing a real play. Like the other species of primates, the females swell and brown in mint. In most cases this occurs during the ovulation season and is usually a spectacular invitation to males to perform the dome.
Dietmar Zinner, a member of the team dedicated to the research of the babuinos, has said that in some cases the females are reddened their ass outside the time of ovulation, putting a good stick in the males. This curious behavior has been observed when females are child and take care of small offspring. Also, after taking control of the group a new male, they have seen that this behavior is more frequent. In this situation, although the dome has been made, the fertilisation does not occur, of course, and the births of the females remain the same.
Researchers have also offered a possible explanation for this female fraud. In the case of baboons, the offspring die by guilt and in addition about 60% of the dead bred are killed by males. The males, sacrificing young offspring, manage to accelerate the ovulation of the females and this behavior is easily understood when the male that makes of group head is new. Dead offspring are not theirs and wants to disperse their genes as soon as possible. But there is the counter-strategy of the female: representing a fictional zeal to protect her offspring.

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