
Develop a diagnostic test of Alzheimer's based on a saliva marker

2017/02/20 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ed. Future Diagnostics

Based on a biomarker listed, Geroa Diagnostics laboratories have developed a diagnostic test on Alzheimer's risk. According to Gorka Orive, professor of pharmacy at UPV and researcher at Geroa Diagnostics, the goal is to create a simple diagnostic method to diagnose the first symptoms of Alzheimer's before they occur. "In fact, the methods that are now used are complex and costly, such as the analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid and the imaginary by PET or MRI," explains Orive. Therefore, the test developed would be of great help to easily diagnose the alteration and establish an early treatment.

This biomarker is new and, as reported by Geroa Diagnostics, is patented. The test is now being tested in collaboration with Harvard University and Massachusetts Hospital. According to Orive, "it has already been tested with 700 people and we have seen that it is very useful to diagnose both positive and negative cases."

It is expected to be validated in a few months. It is expected to be useful not only to diagnose the risk of the disease, but also to develop new treatments. In addition, progress has been made in the diagnosis of Parkinson.

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