What bone did Adam use to make Eve?
2012/09/01 Txurruka, Jesus Mari - Genetika, Antropologia Fisikoa eta Animalien Fisiologia SailaEHU Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

For the faithful of religions who have the Bible as a sacred book, the answer to the question is simple: rib, of course!
Birth of the first woman in biblical Genesis (2: 21-23):
21 Then the Lord God immersed man in a lethargy. When he falls asleep he takes off a rib that filled the hollow of the bone with flesh.
22 Mr. God molded the woman with the rib neutered to the man and took her to the man.
23 He said,
"This is bone of my bone,
My flesh!
It will be "woman",
has been taken from the human being."
Traducttore, traditor del antiguo aforismo. Let us analyze whether the Bible first returned from Hebrew to Greek, a. At some point in the third century, they translated the original word correctly and accurately. Those who are able to understand biblical Hebrew claim that the word that has come to us as ribs was original. In fact, the prison could be a side of our trunk, but also the beams of a building (1 Kings 6: "6 The ground floor had a width of two and a half meters, the central one of three meters and the third one of three and a half meters. On each of the floors the wall of the temple was thinner from the outside, forming a series of steps on which the beams were placed without drilling the walls of the temple") or boards / sheets (1 Kings 6: 15, 16 "15 He covered the inner walls of the temple with cedar boards, from below to the upper beams, dressing the whole interior in wood. He covered the lower temple with cypress boards. 16 The last ten meters inside the temple covered them with cedar boards, from below to the upper beams, and he ordered this place as a sanctuary, a holy place.")
The Greek vocabulary was\n{>{> <unk> <unk> ( pleura), which means flank. In this sense, he recalls the meaning of “avoiding in Basque”. Then the great fame and extension of the Bible called Septumana (also known as LXX, because it is said that they were the translators) left forever the word rib in the Christian Bibles. Therefore, the Hebrew word was quite polysemic, and as a result of the translation it has become monosemic rib. In my opinion, the term support would better cover in Basque the semantic field of biblical sailing than that of ribs, but the weight of tradition in this area is irreducible.
The Israelites of that time knew, like today's street youth, that male and female animals, and as far as we are concerned, men and women, both have the same number of ribs and the pair. Therefore, when the stories told from knee to knee became myths of our genesis, it seems incredible that the idea of the rib could prosper in a closer relationship than ours with nature, so they were more accustomed to seeing the skeletons of dead animals among them.
However, there is a bone that most male mammals (bulls, males, rams and so on) have to miss the man, which is the penis bone. The bone of the penis, despite being in the abdomen, is introduced into the penis by means of special muscles, in the same way that a sword is inserted in its portfolio at the time of harvest. Thus, the stiffness of the penis necessary for copulation is achieved in an instant, in a much shorter time than necessary to reach a similar stiffness with a hydrostatic skeleton. Walking down the street with the dog, more than one would be surprised with the agility of male dogs in the cocks. The female is forgotten the bottom and, when she realizes that she is high, is underway. Thanks to the penis bone gets this speed. It is evident that in some reproductive strategies this mechanism is very beneficial and therefore has remained in evolution. Of course, natural selection has been in charge of providing the most suitable size and shape for the reproduction of each species.
The ancient Israelites, who lived mostly from the pasture, would have been convinced of this detail, they knew that this bone was missing in men. How could this lack be explained?
In the foundational cosmogonic myths of most human groups there appears some omnipresent being. In the monotheistic religion of Israel, of course, Yahweh is the only god, and he himself first created the universe and then man. Then, as we have seen in the beginning, God slept the man and took away his prison, which we have translated here as support. In that culture, and in most historically dominated cultures, the narrator makes it clear that man is the priority and then the woman, derived from it, and that God, as a request for approval, presents it to man.
From where in Adam's body would the chair or support God needed to become a woman be removed?
It is evident that, before the scribe passed to the written tradition the collection of oral myths of the household narrators, the stories that aroused the attention of the public, the ones that most influenced the imaginations of the public and, therefore, the easiest to remember survived for centuries.
If we had to connect Eve's origin with some part of Adam's body logically, would anyone think we would link to a rib? I don't think there is less capacity than a rib, few parts of our body...
On the contrary, we all know what part of a man's body is most capable of creating another man. As we all know, at this time I will not bring your name here. If someone has doubts you will have to wait to read the following sentence to resolve your doubt.
In the original language the Bible does not have a specific name for the penis, so, being translated into verse, in this car the Bible will not give us light. Not directly. Since the Bible does not directly clarify which part of the body we should direct our search to find the original location of the body, we should go to seek indirect evidence. At the beginning of this little work we read that it filled with flesh the hollow of the bone and that will be our starting point. After the withdrawal of support, God performed some manipulation in Adam's body. Would they leave a mark? If so, the jail should be close to its original location...
We have all seen on TV, especially when they show us images of poor and hot countries, that the children are naked, and that if they wear any garment, they only carry it above the waist. Why not cool the stomach? Maybe that's the most direct political answer, but the truth is that while children don't learn to control sphincters, it's better to "free and uncover those at the waist," because it saves a lot in money and time. In our civilized, clean and well-educated society, it seems unthinkable that children go around without diapers, but we should not move much to see that diaper use is not yet universal.
And about 2500 years ago, among Israelites yes? I would make a stance that would not. With this I mean that all the Israelites of then, from childhood, would know the external anatomy of the sexual apparatus, both sexual and contrary...
In a society that was mainly based on physical work and that, above all, fought with cutting weapons such as swords, arrows, etc., the scars would be very common, there would be hardly anyone without visible scars. There was a scar from the most newborn child to the older old man, who all had in the same place, extending from the tip of the penis to half of the scrotum along the entire length of the penis. Considering the technology of the doctors and veterinarians then, it was evident that this scar was "more curious" than the rest of the scars... This apparent scar, which bears the technical name of Errafe ( raphe), is the result of the union of the two urogenital folds in the embryonic development in the plane of symmetry of our body.
What could be expected is that the campfire narrators made a logical connection between the two facts and, therefore, told that the scar was a consequence of God removing the candle from man to make Eve, God's effort to solve the wound that was made after filling with flesh. The reasoning of the original myth is absolutely logical. Man has no penile thorns because God removes him to make Eve. It relates the origin of Eve to the most creative part of man's body, the penis, and the "seam" of the penis and scrotum is God's work. Pity that a bad translation of a word breaks the beauty of that logic.
So guys are not only born with original sin, they are born with the original scar, and they have the penis bone lost of origin.--> If God was not... So what was it?
Teo Rodriguez of the Reprography Service of the Faculty of Science and Technology and Canine Unit of the Municipality of Bilbao for obtaining the canine bone of the German shepherd dog image.

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