
Full speed nanotube plates

2005/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Process of creating a nanotube tape.

The University of Texas has discovered a simple way to manufacture large, transparent nanotube plates. Nanotubes are lightweight, resistant, conductive and can have many applications. But the price greatly limits their use, since they are expensive, since so far they have not managed to make nanotubes easy and fast.

However, the tool developed in Texas allows obtaining ten meters of wipe per minute. The size is 5 centimeters wide and very thin, 5,000 times thinner than a sheet.

To do this, they first create small vertical nanotubes and then join them lying down, like an adhesive tape. Each line has millions of nanotubes and the next line adheres to the previous one. The resulting tape is flexible, conductive and transparent, and can be used in many places, from car windows to flexible TV screens.