
Mondmilch liquid in Ernio

2004/03/17 Elhuyar Zientzia

The speleologists of the Aranzadi Science Society have discovered a mondmilch stream in an underground gallery of the Ernio-Pagoeta-Gazume massif in Gipuzkoa.

The speleologists of the Aranzadi Science Society have discovered a mondmilch stream in an underground gallery of the Ernio-Pagoeta-Gazume massif in Gipuzkoa. As can be seen in the image, it is white and white and yoghurt shaped.

It seems that mondmilch is the first time it is seen in a liquid state; so far it has been found in many places around the world, although it is not very common, but those mondmilches were solid or semi-solid.

The mineralogical composition of this singular structure is now being studied. After the first studies carried out at the Physics Center in San Sebastian, samples were sent to the University of Venezuela for study by Franco Urbani, an expert in mondmilch.

Later they will try to know the origin of this river, so they will also have the help of experts from all over the world who have shown their interest in knowing their discovery in Ernio.

At the moment, there are more questions about this discovery than the answers. And yet, there is no doubt that this is a news that has given much to talk about in the world of physical speleology.

However, keep in mind that the structure they have found in Ernio is as strange as it is sensitive that any human activity can deteriorate it. Therefore they wanted to keep mondmilch in secret.

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