
Human beings overexploit Earth's resources

2002/07/10 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Human beings overexploit Earth's resources, according to a recent report published by WWF. In addition to repeatedly denouncing this problem, the environmental organization WWF has provided concrete data.

  • Every year humans exploit 20% more of the Earth's ability to restore natural resources.
  • Each person should not exploit more than 1.9 hectares of fertile land and sea. Unfortunately, the average area exploited per person is 2.3 hectares.
  • Apart from the average data, an African or Asian explodes 1.4 ha, a Western European 5 ha and each American 9 ha.
  • Measuring the evolution of hundreds of animal species, in the last thirty years there has been a decline of 35%. The decline of 195 freshwater animal species reaches 54%.
  • At this rate, the decline in quality of life and development begins by 2030, and by 2050, the world population will consume between 180 and 220% of the Earth's biological potential.
  • The only way to avoid this future is for governments to take appropriate action as soon as possible.

Full report here

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