
G-8 and Kyoto

2001/03/07 Imaz Amiano, Eneko - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Last weekend the G-8 met in Trieste, Italy. The G-8 is made up of the richest states in the world: United States, Russia, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, France and Italy.

The meeting focused on the decisions taken in Kyoto in 1997. As you will remember, it was decided to reduce gas emissions in Kyoto, but many states have not yet signed the agreement and now, after a routine meeting, have decided to comply with the Kyoto Protocol. They have decided to reduce gas emissions and each in their country without buying quotas to other countries. The news is, therefore, satisfactory. Now we have to see if the climate change days to be held in July in Bonn ratify or not the Kyoto Protocol.

In this regard, the United Nations group for Climate Change has published a new report, the third in its series. The report notes that we currently have the technology necessary to reduce CO2 emissions and other gases. This would entail socio-economic and diverse policy changes, of course. In short, they say it is a political will.

The measures to be adopted refer to efficiency in the use of energy and the use of renewable energy sources. In addition, many of the proposals are economically profitable.

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