
Bikini, empty

2016/06/13 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

50-60 years ago, Americans conducted 67 nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands. Located in the northeast of Australia, one of them is Bikini, which gives name to the swimsuit formed by two parts.

At that time, before the realization of the tests, the eviction of some islands was proceeded, ordering its subsequent return. However, at present they are still not empty, since radioactive isotopes released by the tests are harmful to health.

Faced with the rise in requests for return to the passage of time, researchers at the University of Columbia have measured gamma radiation on six islands and compared the results with measurements of an island away from the tests and the Central Park of New York.

Thus, it has been observed that between the six islands the radiation level is lower than the limit considered as safe for health in the morning, that is, less than 100 millimeters annually. The reference island also has a lower degree of radiation. However, the island of Bikini has given more than 184 million euros annually, as they have recognized, more than they expected. And curiously, in Central Park 100 thousandths of radiation have been measured. According to the researchers, in the park there are many granites and, being rich in thorium, it has its own radiation.

In view of the results, the researchers have come to the conclusion that Bikini must remain empty for the moment. In addition, they warn that, despite the low radiation level, before allowing the inhabitants to return to the island, they should ensure the safety of water and food.

Published in the newspaper Berria.

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