
The European Union presents a plan to combat resistant bacteria

2012/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the figure you can see the effect of some antibiotics on the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Ed. CDC

The European Union has proposed twelve measures within a plan to combat bacterial resistance. According to those responsible, the aim of the plan is to avoid the spread of resistances and develop new antibacterial treatments.

In fact, in the European Union about 25 thousand people die each year from infections caused by resistant bacteria. Economically they are also harmful, as they are lost approximately 1,500 million euros per year for health expenses and decreased productivity caused by these bacteria. In addition, the latest study on resistances has shown that in some countries, bacterial resistances causing hospital pneumonia and urinary infections are increasing.

In view of all this, the plan developed by the European Union proposes a series of main measures, such as ensuring the correct use of antimicrobial and disinfectant drugs in medicine and veterinary medicine, preventing infections by pathogenic microorganisms, developing new antibiotics or substitutive treatments and strengthening collaboration with international partners to reduce the risks of bacterial resistances. In addition, they underline the need to deepen research.

According to the authors of the Plan, for its "effectiveness" it will be necessary for each country of the European Union to take up these measures and act jointly.

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