
The Mexican axolote and the sockets of evolution

1994/04/01 Altonaga, Kepa - EHUko biologia irakaslea Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The axolote is the common name of a Mexican amphibian that can reach up to 30 cm in length ( Ambystoma mexicanum). The axolote is a urodelo amphibian, that is, it has a long tail throughout life, such as the moors and sirens (remember that the toad and frog are amphibians anuros). Sweet meat is axolote, as the old Aztecs considered it delicate. Although Western scientists have known Hernán Cortés after the conquest of 1485-1547, the life cycle of the axolote has been surrounded by a dove of mist and the true status of the animal remains for a long time in mysteries and incomprehensible. However, it has become the starting point of the most daring view of evolutionary theory.

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