Successful Mouse Uterine Transplant
2002/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
About 15% of couples are not fertile. Sometimes this reproductive inability is due to the fact that the uterus has an incurable malformation or is removed. In these cases nothing can be done.

However, after the work done by researchers from the Goteborg University of Sweden, it is possible that someday the uterine transplant is possible. At the moment, the mouse has managed to transplant the uterus. In addition, the transplanted mouse was not removed from his uterus, and after transferring the same number of fetuses to the two uterus, they saw three fetuses in his uterus and one when transplanted advanced.
Then they stopped gestation, so they do not know if the fetus raised in the transplanted uterus was to be born, but at least it exceeded the first phases. The study was published in the specialized journal Journal of Endocrinlogy.

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